Sunday, 25 March 2012

In my mailbox (3)

Another Sunday, another In My Mailbox! In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren where we show what book(ish thing)s we got this week. Small, but good again! So heres what I got this week told in my Vlog!

For Review
Farangi Girl by Ashley Dartnell

Pride by Rachel Vincent
Prey by Rachel Vincent
Rogue by Rachel Vincent
Shift by Rachel Vincet
Stray by Rachel Vincet
Lover Eternal by J.R.Ward
Dark lover by J.R.Ward
Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Bookish Things
Four metal bookmarks based around the theme of friendship and one 3D bookmark based on Florida from Bonnie on goodreads


  1. New follower! Great haul! Here is my IMM if you'd like to follow back:

  2. Great Mailbox this week. I loved the Shifters series. I wish I didn't give my copies to a friend. I might have to rebuy them.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous


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