Blogspiration is a brand spanking new weekly meme hosted by both GrowingUp YA and Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the authors choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation or just a little something.
I think that this picture points out everything that I believe and feel about books being made into films. Yes, don't get me wrong, its great to see a book you love being brought to life on the big screens, where you aactually get to live it, but how often have you watched a film based on a book you have read and just came away annoyed because so much has been missed out, or everything is just wrong! I love my films, but I would rather read the book than go see the film. at least if I am reading the book I am the one in control of how I see it and envision it, its all up to my imagination then and no one can tell me I am wrong or try to change it. I think too many people are waiting for films to come out these days instead of sitting down to actually enjoy the beautiful words written out for us on the pages. Its a great shame because the book just provides so much more than the film. or wll thats my opinion on it anyway. whats yours?
However getting back onto theme, this week the question that was asked was what was:
What is your favorite literay quote?

I can't say that I really have a favorite literary quote so I did a bit of searching when I came across this one. for me this just represents what life is all about, about facing the challenges that we are giving and being willing to battle against them, to make the changes that we need to paint. In this quote its almost like we are being told we will never be perfect because there will always be things to change and things to fight and do. the quote just stands for so much and I think its inspiring and thought provoking in many many ways.
However getting back onto theme, this week the question that was asked was what was:
What is your favorite literay quote?
I can't say that I really have a favorite literary quote so I did a bit of searching when I came across this one. for me this just represents what life is all about, about facing the challenges that we are giving and being willing to battle against them, to make the changes that we need to paint. In this quote its almost like we are being told we will never be perfect because there will always be things to change and things to fight and do. the quote just stands for so much and I think its inspiring and thought provoking in many many ways.
I love the quote you've chose!! :) It's somehow true, there is always a challenge waiting for as at the corner. Life would be so boring without it, don't you think? :) ;)
ReplyDeleteFabulous quote!
ReplyDeleteI often prefer books to movies too, I like the hunger games movie but missed all the storylines it missed.
Ooooh, Charlotte, yes. I SO understand what you mean. Books... books can paint a picture more vivid and colourful and touch than the most AMAZING cinematography, or CGI, because they use your imagination.
ReplyDeleteThere's this quote in Darkfever, by Karen Marie Moning that I always think of when I hear something like this: “I love books, by the way, way more than movies. Movies tell you what to think. A good book lets you choose a few thoughts for yourself. Movies show you the pink house. A good book tells you there's a pink house and lets you paint some of the finishing touches, maybe choose the roof style,park your own car out front. My imagination has always topped anything a movie could come up with. Case in point, those darned Harry Potter movies. That was so not what that part-Veela-chick, Fleur Delacour, looked like.” :D
I mean, having said that, I LOVE film. I love watching an amazing movie almost as much as an amazing book, but I appreciate them as separate artforms ;)
Umm.... also? YOU'RE READING PERFECT CHEMISTRY! *SQUEE!* I JUST finished. Hope you love it!
ANYWAY. YES. I really struggled picking a 'favorite' literary quote (I have so many!), but I LOVE what you picked. THANK you for sharing! LOVE it!!
Saz hit the nail on the head, the Darkfever quote is my favorite about books vs. movies! I hate hearing people say they'll just wait for the movie, I actually cringe. Makes me want to hug my books.
ReplyDeleteHahaha....I love the first image so much! Is it bad that I always pray for an adaptation to do its book justice? Because I do, and it never really seems to work :( "at least if I am reading the book I am the one in control of how I see it and envision it" <--Pretty much!
ReplyDeleteAnd your second quote? LOOOOOOOOOVVVEEEEEEEE :D
I love the first quote - I enjoy seeing the additional points others put on my favourite books, but I hate that sometimes main points are just disregarded. Don't even get me started on the Harry Potter movies.
ReplyDeleteAnd the second quote is amazing. I love challenges, but there are always some that just come out of no where. Picture is very pretty too :)