Saturday, 31 March 2012

9 Miracles: One Mother's Amazing Journey Home After Seeing Her Son Off to War by Leigh Watson (Goodreads Author)

9 Miracles: One Mother's Amazing Journey Home After Seeing Her Son Off to War

Paperback, 56 pages
Published February 23rd 2011 by Crossbooks Publishing (first published February 22nd 2011)
1615077340 (ISBN13: 9781615077342)
edition language
When Leigh's husband is unable to accompany her to see their Air Force son, Luke, off to Iraq, Leigh mentally prepares herself to make the trip alone, knowing she will have to be strong for Luke's sake.When Leigh's husband is unable to accompany her to see their Air Force son, Luke, off to Iraq, Leigh mentally prepares herself to make the trip alone, knowing she will have to be strong for Luke's sake.Along the way, she encounters extraordinary people and incredible circumstances that could only be defined as heaven-sent. Rejoice, how as one exits - another appears, carrying her on the wings of mercy all the way home.
Join us now on this amazing journey as you witness the grace of God's loving hand upon a mother's aching heart. Discover to what lengths God will reach, proving the depth of His love and concern. Rest in the knowledge that HE will provide the strength you need to get through even the most difficult day.
God is willing to work a miracle in your life today, if you will only trust Him.
Along the way, she encounters extraordinary people and incredible circumstances that could only be defined as heaven-sent. Rejoice, how as one exits - another appears, carrying her on the wings of mercy all the way home.
Join us now on this amazing journey as you witness the grace of God's loving hand upon a mother's aching heart. Discover to what lengths God will reach, proving the depth of His love and concern. Rest in the knowledge that HE will provide the strength you need to get through even the most difficult day.
God is willing to work a miracle in your life today, if you will only trust Him.
 My Review
A short book but a truly beautiful heart wrenching and soul touching book that just makes you think about how miracles happen around us everyday and we perhaps do not notice. What I loved most about this book was the fact that you could feel the reality of it from the pages, you could see the truth that was in the words, and you could sense that this was something that was so very important to her. Its not often that I come across a book that is religiously focused and truly it a shame because I believe and feel that religious offers us the best comfort when we are in need, when times are dark. But this was beautiful because it represents how a faith can be there by our side, protecting us when times are tough and preventing us from feeling like we are alone, lost in a world. The book just flowed beautifully and it really did not need to have a lot of words based to it because of what it was stating. It was simple and to the point but this was more effective than any of the long winded 500 page novels that I have read because of the fact that it was just pure and down to earth.

The story to me represents a battle through life, of letting go and yet opening your eyes. there just seemed to be so much to learn from the pages and the wording and I think that its a book that is going to effect every reader that comes across it and takes the time to sit and read it. I love the fact that Leigh is just herself within the pages because I often find that a lot of authors do change themselves merely to sell the novel, but this, this was beautiful because you could see the reality of it. It made me think about the way in which I treat others, but also how others treat me. I think sometimes we do not stop to spread and share the kindness, we walk on by. But her novel just made me consider what sort of impact I could have on a person if I were to actually stop and offer some formation of help.

So yes, I would consider this a very thought provoking book, because of its honesty and its personal and deep traces that run throughout it. its almost like you have been given the key to a small section of her heart so that you too can learn something beautiful and important. a wonderful write that I would advise everyone to read!

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing

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